Friday, October 13, 2006

Grain Stockpiles at Lowest for 25 Years

Famines, Plagues and Pestilence Alert: Another signpost on the downhill road leading to the end of days. We're in a time of plenty, yet we can't manage to prepare for the future when times will likely not be as pleasant. Let this serve as another reminder that we must get our own houses in order (stock up on emergency supplies), since we will likely not be able to count on the government or anyone else to bail us out if there is a worldwide calamity (pandemic flu, nuclear terrorism, etc.). Watch and be ready!

From the Financial Times:
The world’s stockpiles of wheat are at their lowest level in more than a quarter century, according to the US Department of Agriculture, which on Thursday slashed its forecasts for global wheat and corn production.


To add to the global supply concerns, Ukraine has introduced licences and quotas on its wheat exports, effectively bringing shipments to a standstill. This has already halted Ukrainian wheat shipments of 50,000 tonnes to India. The USDA also lowered wheat output for China, Brazil and the European Union.


“The concern now is what happens next year. If we have poor conditions for growing wheat again, supplies could get very tight and we might see some demand rationing,” said Dan Cekander, grains analyst at Fimat.
Read entire article HERE.

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